
Draper Blueberry – Organic 1 Yr old Plant Dormant

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.50.


Draper Blueberry – High-bush type cultivar.
That is a quarter in the picture. We have had lots of success with the berries being a huge berry. Nothing more satisfying when you can eat a huge blueberry and this plant produces many of them. They are very prolific!

Height of the mature plants appear to be 5 feet. Plants have good vigor and will grow more upright than spreading.
The first ripe berries are blue and have the same season as Blue Crop. The ripe fruit will continue to hold onto the plants until Blue Crop completes the first harvest. UP to 60% of the fruits can be picked at the first harvest, followed by the second harvest 7-10 days later.
Plants produce consistent yields of 10 to 15 pounds of fruit, similar to the Duke cultivar.
The fruits are of fine flavor, with a high sweetness without high acidity. The fruits are firm with tight skin. The skin of the fruit is crispy, so the berry is reminiscent of eating a crispy apple.
The uniform medium fruit size is perfect for fresh market, yielding 110 berries per pound.
Berry quality is very firm, and observed to be the firmest of all blueberry fruits. The stem scar is small and dry. Do not harvest this fruit within 24 hours after a rainfall, tearing of the skin around the scar will occur; this is true with many other cultivars. The fruits of Draper are perhaps the best quality of all cultivars. Our favorite blueberry!
Fresh marketing of fruits is recommended because of the high quality and appearance.
The plants have exhibited good vigor in most soil types except heavy clay areas. The plants appear to be resistant to most leaf, root, and fruit diseases. Hardiness Zones 8-5.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs